MBRCGI and OECD Partnership

Redefining Global Innovation through Collaboration

The MBRCGI and OECD OPSI have partnered to conduct a comprehensive global review of innovation practices in government. Our annual Global Innovation Trends report uncovers the latest trends and best practices in innovation worldwide. Together, we aim to foster a culture of collaboration and empower governments to innovate for a brighter future.

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OECD and mbrcgi


Fostering Global Innovation: The OECD-OPSI x MBRCGI Collaboration

In today's rapidly evolving landscape, it is crucial to comprehend emerging methodologies and disseminate proven concepts. To contribute to this critical cause, the Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI) has collaborated closely with the Mohammed Bin Rashid Centre for Government Innovation (MBRCGI) for nearly a decade. Together, these two entities have been instrumental in identifying and analyzing public sector innovation trends and showcasing the inspiring narratives of global government pioneers who are defying conventional paradigms and embracing transformative practices.

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